What is Search Volume? And How Does it Influence Your SEO Strategy?

The search volume data is essential to any successful internet marketer as it tells you how many people are looking for a particular keyword. This enables you to target specific keywords and create content for those keywords to get more traffic for your efforts. However, the volume of traffic does not tell you about the quality of traffic. It just means you about the number of searches performed. 

If you know how to access it, it is possible to get much more detailed information about the search volume for any given keyword. Fortunately for most people who want to monitor their keyword campaigns, they have two options: Google Analytics and Yahoo! Search Marketing. Google Analytics is free, although Search Marketing is offered at a fee. With the tracking capabilities of the former, you can set up alerts when specific keywords are searched for, and you can also analyze the quality of traffic. The latter allows you to track the click-through rate, average searches per day, highest and lowest traffic times, etc. Go Now and continue reading this article for more helpful information about search volume.

What is Search Volume

A common question that arises is what is the relationship between search volume and Google’s popular keyword tools, such as Overture and Google Insight. Google Insights is the analytical tool offered by Google where you can type in a term like “commerce,” and it will show you the number of searches done for that particular term over a given time frame, month, day etc. The other popular tool is Google Insight, which is a bit different as it focuses on the highest search volume keywords that are used in AdWords. This may sound somewhat odd as the main purpose of a website or ad is to attract visitors. But with so many online businesses relying on the power of AdWords, having a tool that shows you what your prospects are searching for is vital. If your prospective customer has entered a search term that your company sells under, for example, “pet grooming”, then you need a tool to show you the top ten searches for that particular term.

However, another metric that should not be forgotten is Backlink which is a measure of the number of links that point to a particular page. With a higher Backlink, you are seen as an authority, and your SEO campaign is seen to be more successful. This is why it is important to choose your keywords carefully to ensure that you do not receive a lot of negative backlinks. The best way to test your own keywords is to use the Google External keyword tool – this tool allows you to enter a short keyword and returns results based on several other similar keyword searches.

Once you have measured your keywords using the Google External tool, you can then use the long tail keyword research tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Research Tool (KRT) and Google AdWords Keyword Exhaustion (KEET). These two tools can provide you with the exact statistics on your competition and key phrases. Keyword research tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Research Tool and Google AdWords Keyword Exhaustion can also help you to find out your position in terms of search volume against other companies in your market space. Once you have found your position in terms of search volume against other companies in your market, then you can try and improve your position by using keywords in your ads and using them correctly when your potential customers are browsing the net looking for products or services that closely match your company’s brand image.

Now that you know your position in terms of search volume and keyword position, it is important that you can make sense of it all. To make sense of search volumes, it is good to look at how you are positioned relative to competitors. For instance, if you are the largest firm offering a cleaning service, you will most likely be the top candidate for clients searching for the service. Therefore, your advertising campaign should focus on highlighting your strong buying intent and your marketing messages should be designed around these strong buying intent messages. On the other hand, if you are a small company with no presence on the web, then you may be able to dominate your competition through strategic marketing initiatives. But what you need first is to understand which of your competitors is offering strong buying intent and your marketing messages must focus around this strong buying intent.

To measure your keyword position and search volume, you can use the Google Content Network and the Google Advanced Keyword Tool (GATK). These two tools offer keyword research reports as well as detailed search volume information. These two tools also allow you to drill down into specific search volumes, to specify the exact search volume range, and to drill down even further into specific search terms. You can learn a lot more about your competitive strengths from these tools and then build your SEO strategy around those competitive strengths.